A Half Written Poem

In the middle of the night,
When the moon was gone.

The gentle breeze caressed my face,
Pregnant with salt, cool to touch.

Fireflies glowing with all their might,
And lighting up barely nothing.

A boat slowly made its way to shore,
With nary a soul on board,
None that was still alive.

The hold though, was overflowing,
Food, wine, silks and fine leather,
Not to mention all the gold and silver.

Of value on the boat,
There was but one small thing,
A half written poem,
Discarded and abandoned on the floor.

How to run your lambda code locally as its role (for testing)

While AWS Lambda is fantastic in providing a serverless platform with few worries about maintaining servers, it is not the easiest to test in an automated fashion with rapid feedback.

You could write end to end tests, but it means a deployment after each change and then checking the logs to see what failed. Even if you use iac (terraform/pulumi), the deployment will take seconds or a minute or two – not exact rapid test feedback.

What I have been doing is to set up a hook which is called from the lambda handler, which can also be called locally. Within the test, I then assume the role that runs the lambda and then test the hook.

This mechanism allows to me easily test that the permissions are set up correctly and that details are in place for the code to work.

For the full end to end test, I then have a simple smoke test or two.

The code samples are in golang(only because it happens to be my current language of choice), but the idea should be equally applicable in other languages.

Assuming The Role

  roleToAssume := os.Getenv("AUTH_LAMBDA_ROLE_ARN")

	ctx := context.TODO()
	cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(ctx)

	if err != nil {
		logger.Fatal("error: ", err)
	// Create the credentials from AssumeRoleProvider to assume the role
	// referenced by the "myRoleARN" ARN using the MFA token code provided.
	creds := stscreds.NewAssumeRoleProvider(sts.NewFromConfig(cfg), roleToAssume)

	logger.Debugf("creds: %v", creds)

	cfg.Credentials = aws.NewCredentialsCache(creds)

the cfg is then passed into the New method for the resource you are interested in. e.g.:

	ssmClient := ssm.NewFromConfig(cfg)

Working Example

You can find a full, working example test in my github repo under post/2023/11/autolambdatest

NOTE: It WILL automatically try and deploy a role and a ssm parameter, and it will delete it after the test.

The BeforeSuite will deploy the minimum configuration to be able to run the test, and the AfterSuite will destroy the same stack.

You will likely need to log into pulumi to get this test to work.

If you run into permissions issue for AssumeRole, read on.

AssumeRole Permissions

For this to work, the user running the tests need to have permissions to AssumeRole.

There are two steps to this. The first part is to allow “anyone” to AssumeRole the relevant role:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<your-account-id>:root"
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

This will allow “any user” to assume the role, as long as they have the permission to do so.

arn:aws:iam::[your-account]:root is a special user the represents the account (and the non-IAM root user). Since IAM (user, roles etc.) exists under the “root” account, all calls are also authenticated by this account – i.e. all users, roles etc. in IAM is also this account. There is a post on reddit discussing what exactly the root iam principal is for more information

Finally, unless you have the AdministratorAccess policy set against your account, you will also need to attach a policy to the relevant group (or your user) that grants permissions to call sts:AssumeRole (or *)

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "123",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

You can of course, also use * for Resource above to allow the user/group to Assume Any role. In practice, you might want to automate this as part of the creation of the relevant roles. (i.e. create the role, then give the relevant group permissions to Assume that role).

Unable to write to $HOME/.pulumi/credentials.json during bazel test

The Problem

You can add it to your ~/.bazelrc (it needs the path to be absolute)

From our integration tests, we run pulumi stack output (or in some cases pulumi up) through the automation API before we run the tests so that we can

  • Confirm that the stack is up
  • Get the relevant parameters (actual names of lambdas / dynamo db tables etc.)

However, since we use bazel for our tests, we ran into a small problem in that Bazel (rightly) prevents the tests from writing to anything outside the sandbox. This restrictions results in this error

error: open /home/<username>/.pulumi/credentials.json: read-only file system
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Separating out integration tests for golang in Bazel


There are many kinds of automated tests and two main kinds are integration tests and unit tests.

Unit tests are designed to run as fast as possible, so any slower processes like databases are mocked out. While super helpful and powerful in terms of providing confidence in the software, it should be only one part of the testing strategy.

Integration tests, as is implied runs tests of the different part of the software integrated together. Technically speaking, you can still mock out the database and other slower layers to keep it running quickly. However, there is value in including a database or other slower services in the process to test as them in an automated fashion.

What this does mean though, is that you want to be able to run only the unit tests or run the integration tests as well. You might also want to have smoke tests, which are run on your live production environment.


You could define a separate target in your BUILD file with the unit tests and let gazelle automatically build your default test target with all the tests. I found this frustrating to use as I had to keep tweaking the dependencies manually whenever anything changed (which happened often)


The easiest way to achieve this for golang and bazel is to tag your source code files. You can do this by adding the following to the top of your integration test files

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Streaming Progress With Pulumi Automation API

When using the pulumi automation API, you lose some of the niceties of the pulumi CLI, like having to set up command line args processing and the output is not as friendly or pretty as before. It also doesn’t stream the output – though this one is easier to fix.

This is lifted straight out of their golang example code, so if you’re working in another language – you should be able to find the relevant code in the same repo

	// wire up our update to stream progress to stdout
	stdoutStreamer := optup.ProgressStreams(os.Stdout)

	// run the update to deploy our fargate web service
	res, err := stack.Up(ctx, stdoutStreamer)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Failed to update stack: %v\n\n", err)

How to get current Function URL (aws-lambda + golang)

When deploying a function lambda that needs details of its own function URL. It’s an OAuth Callback, and needs to calculate the redirect. There are possible security issues doing it this way, so will switch to http gateway on launch. In the meantime, though, I ran into a bit of a chicken and egg problem.

In Pulumi, the function URL is created after the function (and even otherwise), I can’t pass the output of the lambda (or lambdaFunctionUrl) back in as an environment variable. Fortunately, there is an easy way to pick up the Function URL (or the function name for that matter) – if you know how 😉

	domainName := request.RequestContext.DomainName
	funcName := os.Getenv("AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME")
	return fmt.Sprintf("Domain: %s, funcName: %s", domainName, funcName), nil

There are other defined lambda function environment variables as well that you can use.

Bazel + Pulumi Automation API. Deploying an inline stack along with Pulumi.[stack].yaml

I believe in CI/CD/CD as in Continuous, integration, delivery and deployment. As part of this, I am setting up a workflow where on merge to develop (or main/trunk), the deployment is triggered automatically. Pulumi deploys the current state of code and infrastructure through GitHub actions and OpenID Connect(OIDC) as part of the GitHub Action.

I used to configure Pulumi to be triggered directly from the build process, but bazel (as far I know), does not support Pulumi. When I used pants, there was a custom module, developed by one of the community members which did support pulumi (You might have to ask in the slack channel if you’re interested), but they stopped maintaining it as they moved to the Pulumi Automation API.

I am using Automation API from the start, and configuring a “deployer” per product/project within the monorepo. The intention is for the deployer to be as smart as possible – eventually up-ing only the stacks that have changes since the last time- but that’s a way down the line.

Another benefit from the Automation API is to pick up the stack outputs automatically when running integration/e2e tests, making the test configuration smoother.

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Including a built artifact in another target (Bazel, golang)

We use pulumi to do IaC and we use a monorepo with Bazel as the build tool. We have out modules set out as following

One of the requirements we have is to build a lambda module and then deploy it. The lambda module is a target being built by Bazel (golang, but shouldn’t matter):

    name = "lambda_module",
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

We then have the iac module, which should get the built version of the above module, so that it can then upload it into lambda

    name = "iac",
    args = [
        "$(location //products/productA/module/lambda_module)",
    data = ["//products/productA/module/lambda_module"],
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
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Visual Studio, C++ & Google Test

Using Visual Studio for C++ and Google Test seems like it should be absolutely straightforward. I’m trying to do everything in Visual Studio, so it should just set it up automatically right at the start when I create a project. Perhaps I am spoilt from working primarily with Java for many years, but here I was, trying to set it up and it took an inordinate amount of time.

First things first, the way it works in C++, at least in Visual Studio, unlike in Java is that the tests are set up in a separate project, but within the same solution. I will try and remember all the steps I had to undertake to set this up.

This, however, is not the only requirement. When testing, since we can have only one main function in the final executable, it also makes sense to put all of your code, apart from the main function for your application in another project.

In summary, you end up with three projects

  • Your Solution
    • Static Library with all your code *except* the main function
    • Executable project with your main function (linked with your static library above)
    • Tests project (again, linked with your static library above.

Once you have this set up, you will want to add a reference to the static library from both the executable project and the tests project

Finally, you will also have to update the linker to link with the library project. I am sure there is a better way of doing this, but I did it by right clicking the project -> Properties -> Linker -> General:

Additional Library Directories -> and adding in something like “$(SolutionDir)<lib-folder>\$(IntermediateOutputPath)*.obj

You may have to add the same into Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies.

Hope that helps

How to fix terminal title after disconnecting from ssh

For some reason, ssh does not clean up after itself in terms of updating the terminal title when you disconnect.

Here is a simple solution, a combination of https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/341277/25975 and https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/28520/25975

Add the following functions into your ~/.bashrc It will push the current title and icon into a stack and pop it afterwards.

function ssh()
    # push current title and icon to stack
    echo -ne '\e[22t'
    # Execute ssh as expected
    /usr/bin/ssh "$@"
    # revert the window title after the ssh command
    echo -ne '\e[23t'

Restart bash / log out and back in, and it should work.

For security reasons, it is not possible to query the current title of the terminal. However, with the following command, you can push the current one on to a stack

echo -ne '\e[22t'

The title can then be set to anything, by ssh for example. You can then pop that back from the stack using

echo -ne '\e[23t'